• What do they think of the project ?

    Résultat de recherche d'images pour "ruches abeilles"

    For more information on the bee's project, we asked Pamela Gaudree, one of the high school managers. She kindly accepted to answer


    Is it the first project about bees in the school ?

    Yes, it's  the first. This project was already suggested last year but it wasn't accepted. It will begin in the next spring. For now, the materials are being ordered.


    How much does this project cost ?

    For the moment, the estimated budget is about 1100€ so around 960£. This budget will surely be exceeded. 360 euros will fund the 2 bees colonies, 300 euros will be used to protect the beehives with fences, 300 euros for the beehives equipement and the rest of the budget is for the future bee club in the school. 


    Who finances this project ?

    The region gives the high school a budget which is shared between different trips and projects like the bee's project and the trip to Copenhagen. 


    Who is the project's creator ?

    The creator of the project is M.Hérisson, an ingenious sciences teacher.  He is a committed beekeeper.

    Where will the beehive be installed ?

    At the beginning,  the beehives were going to be placed on the high school roof but it was difficult to access.  After,  they were going to be placed in the grass next to the Coeffort's church but it was in the shade and it isn't good for the bee's life.  Finally,  it has been decided that the best place for the beehive is the library's balcony. 


    Now, we know everything we need to know about the financial section of the project. Thank you Pamela !


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  • With my group, we have decided to do an interview of Mrs. Bourreau who is our P.E teacher, to learn more about the project of the “Connected Beehive”. So we have asked her some questions.


    1) Do you know something about the project “connected beehive”? If yes, how?

    Yes, because I’m one of the referents of the exchange program between the European class and Denmark. It was my colleagues, the biology and english teachers  who proposed the hive project about 6 months ago.


    2) Can you give us some details about this project ?

    So, it's the building of a hive that has several goals like creating a remote partnership with a Danish high school and also creating an interest in bee life. That’s why, we have first decided to entrust it to eleventh grade student with a technological speciality, especially to create the electronic parts.


    3) What do you think?

    I think it's great because it's a concrete case to raise awareness to students about the environment and the species that populate it. It can also give ideas on different means of trades and exchanges.


    4) For you, what are the advantages and the disadvantages?

    The main advantage is to promote communication between France and Denmark and to unite several classes around the same project.


    5) Will you participate in this project?

    Yes, by the way of the European Class.

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  • Marie is a collaborator of the biology teacher. She says that it's a good idea because she thinks that  the students can learn how the bees function. She says that we shouldn't be affraid of bees because bees are kind . If the bees are not here there is no pollination so they are very important for the world.

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  • Mrs MOUILLE is a documentalist. We interviewed her because the hive will be on the balcony of the CDI (Center of documentation and information). At the beginning, all the documentalist disagreed because it could be dangerous. After, Mr Hérisson (the supervisor of the project), convinced them that the project is safe and without danger. Mrs MOUILLE thinks that it is an innovative and original idea. It is supposed to be a long term project. If there is an accident because of bees, the hive will be taken off. Moreover, hornets can be attracted by bees and they eat them.

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  •  Students didn't know about the project, but they think it's an excellent idea. One of them thinks that it's very important to sensibilise people to sustainable developement and biodiversity ! Another thinks it's a good project if there are no dangers... 

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