• Before becoming a bee, the egg has 4 stages of development.
    The first step is the laying of the egg by the queen, in an alveola of the hive.
    If the egg is fertilized, it will become a queen or worker. However, if it is not fertilized, it will become a drone.
    During the next 3 days, the egg develops and becomes a larva.
    After 9 days, the larvae are covered with a wax cap. This phase is called the "sealing phase".
    The pupa is the 3rd stage of development. We can observe the creation of antennas, wings and mandibles and other sense organs like eyes, mouth.

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    When it's an adult, the insect goes out of the alveola and beats its wings to start its work.

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    In a hive there is a 1 queen and 60 000 bees. Bees live an average time of 28 days so the queen must do 2.000 baby bees per day to keep enough bees.


    Before, 1/10 of bees died during the winter, but now in general 1/3 die because of climate change.


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  • The most famous breed of bee is the Apis Mallifira, it is also called the black bee in reference to its colour. She can stock a lot of pollen and honey. It is little swarming. Apis Mallifira is the honeybee used by beekeeper.


     The xylocopes are a bees that dig their nest in the wood. That’s why it is called carpenter. It is purple and black. These bees aren’t aggressive.


    The andrenas are a one of the biggest groups of all kinds of bees. It is brown and red. They live in the sandy grounds next to trees to protect them from the heat.



     The bombus are the heaviest bees because they are hairy. They are yellow and black like Apis Mallifera. They eat nectar of flowers an pick-up pollen to theirs larvaes.


    The nomada succinct parasitize the lavae’s stockpiles and of other species.



     The halictidae are a family which is nearby to butterflies. It is essential for the ecosystem because she is a pollinator of corn and sunflower.

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  • Most of the people in the world think that bees create their hive, but it’s not right, they take refuge in crevices or in hives created by men, they only do the alveolus. Alveoli are mainly made of wax and the rest is pollen. The alveoli are created by the workers and are used to store the honey, the pollen and the eggs and the larvae.
    How they do there hive ?
    The alveoli have a hexagonal shape and they fit together in a diamond shape. Bees are very good mathematicians and architects, because they do all the alveoli in the same way, size and in the same shape. With the time and the birth of other bees, alveoli shrink so bees have to change about every 5 years. Don’t confuse the alveoli with the swarm, which is only a group of bees.

    How they do there hive ?How they do there hive ?

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  •  First, what is pollination?

    Pollination is the transport of flower pollen (male element) that is gathered on the pistil of the other flowers (female element), therefore allowing the fecundation and reproduction of plant species.


    What is the part of the bee’s production?

    80 % of cultures through the world are dependent on insect activities thanks to pollination.


    What are the consequences of bee’s disappearance?

    If the bees disappeared totally, it would be disastrous for the environment and maybe cause the extinction of some other species.   Moreover, the extermination of this species could have a catastrophic impact on farming. The farming production will fall, and the price of food will increase, aggravating the global food crisis. The consequences on the biodiversity could also be dramatic. Global food balances could be changed for these 3 categories:  fruits, vegetables and stimulants like coffee, cocoa. Therefore, our alimentation would be only composed of plants and cultures (mainly the cereals) which do not depend of pollination.



    What are the causes of this disappearance?

    The disappearance of a considerable number of colonies of bees has been happening over the last years everywhere in the world: 29% of the colonies of bees could be decimated in France. The pesticides used in intensive farming are the main cause of the disappearance. There are also the mushroom Nosema Ceranae and lots of invasive species like the Asian Hornet.



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